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Behind the Bottom Line

The interesting part of business is the people. These tales are about the quirky people I've met and the strange events I've witnessed in different parts of the world over many years. Listen and find out.

Recent Episodes

Dec. 13, 2023

Seven Continents - episode 14

Find out the origin story of 'Seven Continents': Who were the real life characters the fictional ones are based on? Where is Kazbakistan and the other locations? How much of the background detail about the diamond industry is...

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Dec. 6, 2023

Seven Continents - episode 13

💎It's show-down time! Kirill, Irina and Macey have organised a meeting with Sir Gilbert Villiers and Roy Marsden, who has no idea what the three of them have found out about him and his connection with Piet Hoodjink, the Lond...

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Nov. 29, 2023

Seven Continents - episode 12

💎 Kirill and Irina are now back in England. After comparing notes about what they have uncovered with Macey’s research in London, they are all now convinced that Roy Marsden, Head of ECO Warriors and Piet Hoodjink, Director o...

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Nov. 22, 2023

Seven Continents - episode 11

💎 Sergei Vasilyev, the source of the threatening messages and packages being sent to Gilbert Villiers, the CEO of Seven Continents, has been murdered, thrown off his 12th floor balcony by persons unknown. But before his kill...

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Nov. 15, 2023

Seven Continents - episode 10

Kirill and Irina have told Sergei Vasilyev what they found at the diamond mine at the Tuv oasis. His story of what happened to him and his family is going to shock the two of them - and provide an explanation for the sinister...

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Nov. 8, 2023

Seven Continents - episode 9

Kirill and Irina head back to Dhosk and civilization after their adventures underground. Their next visit is to Sergei Vasilyev, a colleague of Irina's at the University of Dhosk who used to work at the mine. What has he got ...

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My all time favorite podcast

"I love listening to this podcast when I walk my dog, go grocery shopping, or just sit at home doing puzzles. It's just such a nice way of relaxed entertainment for me. What I love and find really spe…"

Julia | May 27, 2021

Laugh out loud reflections on past & present life experiences

"These bite-size podcasts make me laugh out loud, reflecting on the good, the bad & the ugly of many corporate life experiences. When you think - oh, I can identify with that - you have to laugh (and…"

Sam Korkmaz | June 10, 2021

A smooth mixture of family biography, country and city culture

"In a smooth mixture of family biography, country and city culture, Double Trouble - Episode 1: Aldridge Farm / Meeting Wanda comically conveys the intrigues and challenges of relationships within a f…"

Kingsley Dibie | June 18, 2021

Double Trouble Episode 1 - give me more ...

"Dear James, what a pretty new story Double Trouble is and you know what, I'm quite intrigued already - just as you wished, for sure - it started very smooth and nice, have built up excitement when I …"

Giorgi | June 19, 2021

Entertaining Double Trouble - Episode 1

"I just finished listening to Episode 1 and I really enjoyed it. The end of "Meeting Wanda" definitely made me curious and I want to know what happens next. Luckily, Episode 2 is already available! T…"

Nadine | June 25, 2021

best podcast ever

"I love the behind the bottom line podcast, is my favourite podcast for more than 1 year now! I love the stories, the background music and James reading and interpretation. It always makes me smile, i…"

Sofia VC | July 2, 2021

Double trouble - double fun

"Being a fan of the amazing James Schofield for quite some time I had hard times waiting for the new season. And to my surprise the quite familiar characters, the well known episodes about business li…"

Rainer | July 3, 2021

King of Spin

"Thank you for another very clever story of yours, James. I really enjoy your podcasts: A good mix of something light, yet often full of insight, interesting characters, varied stories, food for tho…"

Bettina | July 16, 2021

From getting the chills to laughing out loud

"In advance: I love the podcast! The authors incredibly great voice combined with his self-written stories are a great match! I love that you can choose the genre. That helps me to decide which epi…"

Katharina | Aug. 5, 2021

Great stuff!

"I love listening to this podcast. It's a real feast for the senses (surely more than one was involved!). My appetite had been whetted for more."

Monika | Sept. 13, 2023

A pleasure to hear

"I am a huge fan. I started with the first video of season one and listened to everything up to season seven so far. I love them! My favorites are the recurring Julie&Paula and Topfood stories. The (a…"

Yves | Jan. 11, 2024

The Highlight of my Week!

"With clever writing, charming characters and storylines that keep you wanting more, Behind the Bottom Line is a really enjoyable podcast. Its stories provide the perfect mix of suspense, action, come…"

David | March 26, 2024