Seven Continents - episode 10
Kirill and Irina have told Sergei Vasilyev what they found at the diamond mine at the Tuv oasis. His story of what happened to him and his family is going to shock the two of them - and provide an explanation for the sinister events that have been troubling Gilbert Villiers.
In London, Roy Marsden is not pleased to find out that Macey has been visiting Piet Hoodjink, London director of Durban Diamonds, or that she has been lying to him about Kirill being ill. In return, he has a little surprise for her ...
🎧 To get the best experience of this story, listen with headphones.
Image from AI and author.
Sound effects: Pixabay and Freesound
Music: ‘Tri martolod’ Breton folk song, Albin Gogh at Pixabay