Seven Continents - episode 12
💎 Kirill and Irina are now back in England. After comparing notes about what they have uncovered with Macey’s research in London, they are all now convinced that Roy Marsden, Head of ECO Warriors and Piet Hoodjink, Director of the London branch of Durban Diamonds, are behind the murder of Sergei Vasilyev in Dhosk. But why would Marsden and Hoodjink be working together? And can they prove it? This might be the moment for Macey to step forward …
🎧 To get the best experience of this story, listen with headphones.
🎨 Image from AI and author
Sound effects: Gregor Quendel and LordSonny from Pixabay and Freesound.
Music: ‘Tri martolod’ Breton folk song, Albin Gogh at Pixabay.