Dec. 6, 2023

Seven Continents - episode 13

💎It's show-down time! Kirill, Irina and Macey have organised a meeting with Sir Gilbert Villiers and Roy Marsden, who has no idea what the three of them have found out about him and his connection with Piet Hoodjink, the London director of Durban Diamonds.

But what on earth possessed Marsden to work with Hoodjink? And how is Villiers going to react when he finds his best friend has betrayed him? And let’s not forget, Villiers has a date with the United Nations General Assembly to try to persuade them to let Seven Continents mine for diamonds in Antarctica. How is that going to go down?

🎧 To get the best experience of this story, listen with headphones.

🎨 Image from AI and author

Sound effects: ⁠Pixabay⁠ and ⁠Freesound⁠.

Music: ‘Tri martolod’ Breton folk song, Albin Gogh at ⁠Pixabay⁠.