Nov. 8, 2023

Seven Continents - episode 9

Kirill and Irina head back to Dhosk and civilization after their adventures underground. Their next visit is to Sergei Vasilyev, a colleague of Irina's at the University of Dhosk who used to work at the mine. What has he got to tell them?

Macey has decided to drop in and see Piet Hoodjink, the director of Durban Diamonds in London and a fierce business rival of Sir Gilbert Villiers. Could he be at the root of the problem?

🎧 To get the best experience of this story, listen with headphones. 

Image from AI and author.

Sound effects: ⁠⁠Pixabay⁠⁠ and ⁠⁠Freesound⁠⁠

Music: ‘Tri martolod’ Breton folk song, Albin Gogh at ⁠⁠Pixabay