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Aug. 19, 2024


Jack is a highly paid motivational speaker with a secret. Bibi is his coach and she has a secret too. What could be the key for both of them to tell each other their secrets? Could it be the catchphrase that Jack's old sheepdog Billy always said to Jack? 'Who…

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Aug. 19, 2024

The shopping cart

Sally King is shopping in Hal Mart Superstore in Portland. As always, her experience is made much easier if she follows the advice given to her by her shopping cart. Only this time, the shopping cart has one or two strange suggestions for her. What on earth was her husband…

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Aug. 19, 2024

The Moustache

Thanks to his magnificent moustache, Wilhelm Adler has always managed to get his way in both the boardroom and the bedroom. But Candy Harding is disgusted by it and remains completely immune to his charms, which of course makes her doubly attractive. How can he persuade her to think again?…

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Aug. 19, 2024

Summer Special 2022 - Episode 1

Welcome to the 'Behind the Bottom Line' Summer Special 2022. Two great episodes to listen to on holiday. Today's stories are: 👨‍💼 ‘The Interview’ – how good are you in job interviews? Cuthbert Trill wants to kill himself but is persuaded to apply for one more job. Will he get…

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Aug. 19, 2024

Summer Special 2022 - Episode 2

Welcome to the 'Behind the Bottom Line' Summer Special 2022. Two great episodes to listen to on holiday. Today's stories are: ⚽ ‘The Debt’ – Jimmy King was once a prince on the football pitch, worshipped by thousands. Now, he’s just a bitter, old man in a care home, waiting…

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Aug. 19, 2024

The Fortune Teller

DRAMA: Simon Cassandra is a fortune teller - not with a crystal ball or Tarot cards but with computers. He works for the government, trying to model future scenarios to help ministers make their decisions. There's only one problem - they don't like listening to experts. But perhaps Mr Camille,…

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Aug. 19, 2024

The Impressions - Episode 2

Felicity Appleby has promised to help the Impressions, the peculiar inhabitants of the investment bank she works at near St Paul's Cathedral, find a way to stop the building they inhabit being torn down. But how will that be possible when other people hardly ever notice them? Could Felicity's old…

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Aug. 19, 2024

The Impressions - Episode 1

Felicity Appleby has a job she hates in the London investment bank Ruff, Tumble and Bounderby. The only plus side is the bank's beautiful 19th century building and its location in the City of London, near St Paul's Cathedral. However, after bumping her head on a cupboard door, Felicity finds…

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Aug. 19, 2024

The Impressions - Episode 3

Felicity Appleby's plan to have the building belonging to the London investment bank Ruff, Tumble and Bounderby declared a building worth preserving by the Historical Building Association means the re-entry into her life of Aiden Duchenny, an ex-boyfriend. Will he help her, or will that entail a price that nobody…

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Aug. 19, 2024

The Impressions - Episode 4

This is the final episode of season 8’s story ‘The Impressions’. I talk about the City of London where the story takes place, the sources for the different characters and an interesting theory about what some people believe could explain ghosts. And finally I’m going to introduce you to my…

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Aug. 19, 2024

Behind the Bottom Line Season 9 - 'Seven Continents' trailer

Clear your schedules now! September 13, season 9 of BBL is out. 'Seven Continents' is a 14-part thriller set in the diamond mining industry. Recordings are in progress now. Book will be available on my website: Behind the Bottom Line (https://www.behindthebottomline.com/)

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Aug. 19, 2024

Seven Continents - episode 1

Seven Continents is a diamond mining company with a reputation for ethical and sustainable exploitation of natural resources. So why is the charismatic chairman, Sir Gilbert Villiers, receiving threatening messages? And what is the connection to Kazbakistan, homeland of his ballerina wife Tatyana Kerkomenova? Macey Church and Kirill Solokov, investigators…

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Aug. 19, 2024

Seven Continents - episode 2

Kirill Solokov and Macey Church, investigators for Capstan Consultants are on their way to meet Sir Gilbert Villiers, the chairman of Seven Continents, a diamond mining company, and his wife the former ballerina Tatyana Kerkomenova. On their way to the Villiers' country estate Ashdown Hall, Kirill shares a surprising piece…

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Aug. 19, 2024

Seven Continents - episode 4

Roy Marsden has gone back to London and Macey and Kirill will start carrying out interviews in Seven Continents on Monday, to try to discover who is behind the anonymous messages threatening Sir Gilbert. So, maybe they can have a relaxing weekend first and renew old friendships? Think again -…

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Aug. 19, 2024

Seven Continents - episode 3

Sir Gilbert has introduced Macey and Kirill to his close associate Dr Roy Marsden, director of the environmental protection group ECO Warriors. But what is his connection to the diamond mining industry and what is it that Seven Continents is so worried about? 🎧 To get the best experience of…

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Aug. 19, 2024

Seven Continents - episode 5

Macey Church and Kirill Sokolov set to work to uncover who is sending sinister messages to Sir Gilbert Villiers and the Seven Continents diamond mining company. While Macey begins interviewing Villiers' colleagues in London, Kirill is headed for Kazbakistan where he gets quite a surprise when he lands at the…

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Aug. 19, 2024

Seven Continents - episode 6

Macey Church reports what she has learnt from interviewing Nancy Inovix to Dr Roy Marsden, director of ECO Warriors, and receives an unexpected invitation. Meanwhile in Kazbakistan, Kirill Solokov sets off across the desert with the anthropologist Dr Irina Kerkomenova to visit the Kerkomen nomads. Do they have some answers…

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Aug. 19, 2024

Seven Continents - episode 7

Macey Church and Kirill Solokov continue to try to unravel what is happening at Seven Continents, the diamond mining giant. Macey has interviews with some of the directors at the London headquarters while Kirill and Irina, are following up clues given to them by the Kerkomen nomads in the other…

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Aug. 19, 2024

Seven Continents - episode 8

Kirill and Irina have to go down the stairs into the bowels of the deserted diamond mine to see if they can find anything there that could explain who is behind the campaign to smear Gilbert Villiers. But are they going to get out of there alive? Macey is also…

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Aug. 19, 2024

Seven Continents - episode 9

Kirill and Irina head back to Dhosk and civilization after their adventures underground. Their next visit is to Sergei Vasilyev, a colleague of Irina's at the University of Dhosk who used to work at the mine. What has he got to tell them? Macey has decided to drop in and…

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Aug. 19, 2024

Seven Continents - episode 10

Kirill and Irina have told Sergei Vasilyev what they found at the diamond mine at the Tuv oasis. His story of what happened to him and his family is going to shock the two of them - and provide an explanation for the sinister events that have been troubling Gilbert…

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Aug. 19, 2024

Seven Continents - episode 11

💎 Sergei Vasilyev, the source of the threatening messages and packages being sent to Gilbert Villiers, the CEO of Seven Continents, has been murdered, thrown off his 12th floor balcony by persons unknown. But before his killers struck, he sent Kirill Solokov an email. Could that contain a clue about…

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Aug. 19, 2024

Seven Continents - episode 12

💎 Kirill and Irina are now back in England. After comparing notes about what they have uncovered with Macey’s research in London, they are all now convinced that Roy Marsden, Head of ECO Warriors and Piet Hoodjink, Director of the London branch of Durban Diamonds, are behind the murder of…

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Aug. 19, 2024

Seven Continents - episode 13

💎It's show-down time! Kirill, Irina and Macey have organised a meeting with Sir Gilbert Villiers and Roy Marsden, who has no idea what the three of them have found out about him and his connection with Piet Hoodjink, the London director of Durban Diamonds. But what on earth possessed Marsden…

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